Monday, May 07, 2007

Nothing clever here.

Oh, it's been awhile since I posted! Sorry about that! I did get a request for info on the Julia. I am past 15" and have started the armhole shaping. It's tiny yarn on tiny needles but it's going fairly quick. Probably because I love it so. I did set that down on Sunday and I pulled out an old fav, The Babette. Remember The Babette? Crocheted squares of all sizes and colors. I put it down last time because I spent the majority of an afternoon sewing up those damn squares. And I hate sewing up the squares! And of course, I left the 2 biggest panels to the end. Which means I have A LOT of squares to sew together. Wait, what was that you just said? Did I want some cheese with my whine?? Why yes I do! And yes, I am whining. :) I am really just ready to have this blanket done and the amount of sewing I still have left to do is quite daunting. Maybe I will recruit some help... maybe if the price is right... Chauntel! Come on down!! :))
Okay, I am done talking about knitting. I am sneaking in this post at work so it has to be short. And I think my next post will be about quilting. My new favorite hobby.

I leave you with some photos I took over the weekend.

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